UHF Duplexer 4201-C6 utilize six high-Q notch-type coaxial resonators with 1”-cross-section that results in small geometry advantages without compromising duplex isolation. The duplexer is tunable within the operating frequency range.
Frequency spacing, MHz: 5-7; 7-9; 9-15
Frequency Range: 400-430, 430-450, 450-470, 470-490
Max Input Power: 50 Watts
Insertion loss RX-ANT, dB: < 1,5
Insertion loss ANT-RX, dB: < 1,5
RX isolation ANT-RX, dB: > 80
TX noise suppression TX-ANT,: dB > 80
Impedance, Ohms: 50
VSWR: < 1:1,5
Connectors: N-Female
Temp Range: -30°...+60°
Dimensions: (HxWxL),: mm (30 x 156 x 232) (1.2 x 6.14 x 9.1) Inches