
New End User Rebates on Kenwood ProTalk Radios

11th Feb 2014

When you purchase select Kenwood ProTalk business radios between February 3, 2014 and April 30, 2014, not only do you get tough, dependable two-way radios packed with features that enhance worker communications, you also qualify for a healthy rebate on each radio. Kenwood's End User Rebate Program offers a $25 - $30 rebate per radio. Check out the particulars below.Qualifications and Eligibi … read more

What is the Average Communication Range of UHF Radios?

11th Feb 2014

photo by Alessio Michelini @ FlickrDetermining the average communication range of UHF two-way radios can be tricky. A number of variables can and do affect the distance-range of radio broadcasts, making it necessary to examine just what can interfere with or boost the range of a UHF radio. A brief tutorial on how Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio waves travel from the moment a transm … read more