
What is the Average Communication Range of UHF Radios?

11th Feb 2014

photo by Alessio Michelini @ FlickrDetermining the average communication range of UHF two-way radios can be tricky. A number of variables can and do affect the distance-range of radio broadcasts, making it necessary to examine just what can interfere with or boost the range of a UHF radio. A brief tutorial on how Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio waves travel from the moment a transm … read more

Industries in Which Two-Way Radios are of Big Use

2nd Feb 2014

Without a doubt, today's modern industries need consistent modes of communication in order for employees, supervisors and other staff to remain in the loop. Small, portable two-way radios offer reliable communication in a big way for a variety of industries: hospitality services, construction companies, medical and dental practices, nursing homes, small and large light manufacturing plants and pro … read more

Ways Two-Way Radios Help Workers Stay Safe

Posted by undefined on 2nd Feb 2014

Productivity and increased sales are undeniably important in business and industry, but worker safety is a key issue that also needs to be addressed and planned for in advance. Public safety workers and military personnel encounter life-threatening situations on a day-to-day, often moment-to-moment basis. When things go wrong, critical communication should be only seconds or minutes away; two-way … read more